Tag: aspire


Spent my free time adding image support to the blog today. I'm using Azure Storage accounts, as it's what I know, and I did not feel like diving into S3 buckets right now, although I probably should at some point.

Once again, .NET Aspire proved its usefulness. I kicked off the changes by adding the Azure Storage hosting and client integrations via Aspire, then added a Minimal API POST endpoint so I had a place to upload the images to. GitHub Copilot is very useful in these kinds of tasks. I can write a comment block describing what I want the endpoint to do, all the edge cases I think it should handle, then hit tab and get 90% of what I wanted. I go through and tweak the rest, then I'm testing almost immediately.

The last piece of the puzzle was hooking up my new endpoint to the Trix editor. Fortunately, the Trix dev team provided a nice Javascript file to show how to hook up the event listeners and use an XHR object to post the image back to the server. Considering my lack of experience with Javascript, I was ecstatic to get this working in only a few iterations.

I edited my last post to add a picture from my bike ride, so I know it's working, but I better add one to this post too :)

Being a goofball with my Instax camera
# / 2025 / 03 / 02

.NET Aspire 9.1 just dropped

Release Notes

I'm very excited about this release of .NET Aspire. It's an absolute game changer for me, specifically in doing dev work on this blog.

This release has a bunch of great stuff, but I'm actually only interested in the bug fix to this issue. I really love the `dotnet watch run` command, which will perform a hot reload of your application when you make changes to the source files. Before this bug fix, sockets would not be freed up in a timely manner if the process ends, meaning that on reload, it would try to rebind to the existing ports and fail. This meant my workflow was 1. make a change 2. kill the running process 3. wait 10-15 seconds 4. run dotnet run again. Sometimes, I would have to rinse and repeat 3 and 4, if I hadn't waited long enough.

Now, I run `dotnet watch run`, make changes to my code (.cs, .css, and .razor files), and all I have to do to see the new changes is refresh my browser page. It's like magic. My dev loop has gone from ~30 seconds to see the changes reflected in the browser to near-instantly (the time it takes me to press F5 in Safari).

I've been very happy with .NET Aspire so far. But because I deploy to Heroku and not Azure, I can't take advantage of any of the deployment features. A side project I've been thinking about is to build a Heroku deployer based on a .NET aspire deployment manifest.
# / 2025 / 02 / 26