Release Notes

I'm very excited about this release of .NET Aspire. It's an absolute game changer for me, specifically in doing dev work on this blog.

This release has a bunch of great stuff, but I'm actually only interested in the bug fix to this issue. I really love the `dotnet watch run` command, which will perform a hot reload of your application when you make changes to the source files. Before this bug fix, sockets would not be freed up in a timely manner if the process ends, meaning that on reload, it would try to rebind to the existing ports and fail. This meant my workflow was 1. make a change 2. kill the running process 3. wait 10-15 seconds 4. run dotnet run again. Sometimes, I would have to rinse and repeat 3 and 4, if I hadn't waited long enough.

Now, I run `dotnet watch run`, make changes to my code (.cs, .css, and .razor files), and all I have to do to see the new changes is refresh my browser page. It's like magic. My dev loop has gone from ~30 seconds to see the changes reflected in the browser to near-instantly (the time it takes me to press F5 in Safari).

I've been very happy with .NET Aspire so far. But because I deploy to Heroku and not Azure, I can't take advantage of any of the deployment features. A side project I've been thinking about is to build a Heroku deployer based on a .NET aspire deployment manifest.