I broke my wrist back in January when I fell skiing down a run in the early season. Snow conditions were pretty bad and the moguls on the run had really built up. The resort really hadn't been able to groom the runs yet. I did the dumbest move possible and on my first run of the day decided to go down a black diamond. Classic move on my part.
I did a turn to go around a mogul and didn't realize how big a drop off there was. I lost balance and fell down it onto hard packed snow. I broke the fall with my left hand and immediately knew something was wrong, but did not consider that I broke anything... I got back up and continued to ski down. I did fall one other time but it was a typical lose-your-balance type fall. The only issue was getting back up, when I realized I couldn't put any weight onto my left hand. That's when I knew I was cooked. I managed to ski the rest of the way down to the bottom and found the nearest ski patrol. They put my hand in a splint and that's when I saw the massive swelling. I knew my day, if not season, was over.
The last two months have been tough, I had been really looking forward to skiing and getting better this season. I also haven't been able to bike much. But I'm now close to fully recovered, the bone is healed and I got the all-clear to start biking again. Today was my first day back on the bike in two months, my biggest gap in between bike rides in years. What a day it was, a beautiful "fake spring" kind of day.
Here's to looking forward to many more rides soon.